Looking for tailor-made laboratory space?

Are you looking for a knowledge-intensive space to rent for your business, but have no idea where to start? Are there no suitable laboratoriescleanrooms or pilot plant available for rent in your area? Or not in a location where there is an active and knowledge-intensive communityKadans Science Partner has the space and knowledge ready, so your company or organisation can focus on the important things: innovate and grow.

Katie Nelson

Want to know more about our available laboratory space?

Katie Nelson
T: +44 (0) 7899103279 E: k.nelson@kadans.com

A knowledge-intensive community

Looking to rent a business space with lab space? Kadans Science Partner specialises in housing companies with the need for state-of-the-art facilities such as laboratories, cleanrooms and pilot plants. The Kadans Community consists of start-ups, scale-ups and corporate companies in Life Sciences & Health, Food, Energy, High Tech & Digital Economy. Many of our tenants not only rent a laboratory, but also have their own office, clean room or other facility, for example. And our tenants have access to shared meeting rooms, catering or restaurant facilities. In addition, a facility and technical manager are available at all our locations to answer all your questions.

Our buildings are located near leading research and talent. In collaboration with renowned organisations, we support and strengthen the local innovation ecosystem. We connect local science clusters in a valuable global network. This adds an extra dimension to our local clusters by providing opportunities to connect with others in our international network. Bringing our locations together in one large network gives our tenants access to talent, research and capital.

Don’t just want to rent a laboratory, but does your company need more facilities? No problem! Kadans Science Partner is unique in its focus on housing knowledge-intensive companies and institutions. We are uniquely placed to advise you on the facilities you need.

Tailor-made laboratory space

Kadans Science Partner offers the possibility of fully customising your rented laboratory and office space. We call this the fit-out process. During the fit-out process, we look at the user-related design of the space. Think about technical facilities and more. Kadans is happy to help work out the fit-out. During the fit-out process, Kadans offers several workshops to support its tenant with the fit-out process of their laboratory space. This process results in tailor-made layouts including technical facilities and prices for the rented lab or office space. Kadans offers the possibility of creating various R&D facilities, including cleanrooms and pilot plants. Want to know more? Be sure to contact us.

After the fit-out, a layout with interior will become available. At this stage, the focus is on the details and the many variants possible. The tenant receives an indication of the fixed and loose furnishings, including office and laboratory furniture.

5-10 Brandon Road will see the only space in London that offers GMP manufacturing facilities alongside R&D and office space. This unique combination will allow your organisation to expand from R&D into commercialisation all under one roof. Kadans Science Partner offers your company the opportunity to create bespoke laboratory and office space at 5-10 Brandon Road. As a tenant, you will have access to Kadans’ experts who will bring their extensive knowledge to the design and delivery of your new space. Kadans have a further two ownerships within the Brandon Road Cluster which could provide further accommodation both in short term and long term. Kadans ownership includes 4 Brandon Road and 18-20 Tileyard Road.

Read more about our multi-tenant buildings in the United Kingdom

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